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The comic's purpose is to raise awareness about the impact of our everyday actions on the environment. Even minor things like what we buy, consume, or use can affect the environment, albeit minimally. However, with small changes, we can also reduce this impact.

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Frames 1-4: Discuss the importance of having knowledge about the production process of a single product (manufacturing, transportation, storage, collection and waste)product (manufacturing, transportation, storage, collection and waste)

Frame 5-6: Is waste selection an ultimate solution on its own?  Discuss the lifespan of plastic and other waste materials. Learn to differentiate different types of waste and their effect on the environment. The game of “Waste Decomposition” is a great follow-up practice on the topic of footprint and waste management.

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Frames 1-5: The importance of recycling/upcycling everyday used materials


Activities around the comics:

Discussion about practices that encourage values of environmental protection and awareness about our footprint as a society

The comics “Recycling Cultures” (see below) can be used as references to different examples of recycling/upcycling.

Share your own practices: how do you reuse objects and materials?



There are two entertaining quiz games related to this comic that can be played collectively. In the first game, players estimate the decomposition time for various types of waste. The second game tests your knowledge of energy resources, both renewable and non-renewable.


Lovecycling is a comic meant to spark discussions on a broad range of topics related to environmental and health issues. Building on the previous comic series, which focused on social

Topics to explore include: the connection between physical well-being and the environment.

the willingness to adopt new nutritional habits, the benefits of sharing experiences, even negative ones, to improve our urban environment.

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Frame 1: NEW RULES

New environments can be challenging. Make sure that you are familiar with the traffic rules so you don’t hurt yourself or get into an accident. 



Please seek out professional help when you are in a poor health situation.

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A bad situation is never pleasant, but maybe something good can come out of it too, for example a friendship.



Friends who are locals or friends who already have knowledge and experience in the bureaucratic system can assist you in your paperwork, or take you to the doctor. 



Of course, public spaces are not free of any kind of danger. However, there are ways and possibilities to report these dangers so that these issues can improve and are not a threat to others. This way you can contribute to society.


The games, which follow the comics, aim to promote healthier and more eco-friendly modes of transportation, like bicycles. They do this by providing the necessary vocabulary for tasks such as repairs.

The second game imparts knowledge about foods and ingredients, highlighting their benefits and the reasons they are essential for our bodies.

recyclng cuture

The abundance of simple upcycling and recycling practices available through online tutorials is truly remarkable. Yet, it's amusing to realize that many of these techniques are merely the simple gestures you've been practicing since childhood. For you, creating festive decorations from plastic bags instead of purchasing new ones was second nature. Transforming found objects into useful and beautiful creations was ingrained in your upbringing, without any consideration for the value of environmental conservation or waste reduction. Perhaps it was merely a result of limited resources, rather than a conscious effort to protect the planet.

In our contemporary, contradictory society, inundated with images of brand-new, luxurious goods, your inherent knowledge has become invaluable. It's not just about learning how things work in this new environment; it's about tapping into your existing knowledge and sharing it with others. Nada Ahmad beautifully compiles a list of these familiar practices, inviting you to contribute your own. Don't hesitate to add to this collective wisdom!

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Frame 1: You can compare different ways of waste selection in different European countries.

Frame 2-4: Do you have similar practices? Can you describe them?

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Frame 1-3 : Continue exploring new up-cycling practices. 

SUGGESTED ACTIVITY: grab any object that you have around and try to find new uses for it!

Frame 4:  You can explore the topic of pollution on an industrial level more deeply through the following two games. 


The two games associated with this comic aim to enhance knowledge of environmental protection as part of general culture.


“European love more their pets than their human fellows”. We’ve heard this sentence a couple of times, and we have to admit, that it is a little bit true sometimes. While attempting to show in a short story the nature of this particular relationship to our animals, we were also led to put ourselves in their “shoes”, imagining how smells, sounds and the mere company of other dog and human fellows can constitute a complete and fulfilled univers in itself and to think about how it can inspire us, humans too, mainly to take care about our environment…

We also discovered that creating a photo short story with family or friends might be also be an excellent co-creative activity to be repeated in workshops to explore different subjects.

Especially that for the editing part, you also have at your disposal many nice tools and apps that can facilitate to create layouts and add bubbles if you are not that familiar with more complex graphic applications. You may use COMICA for android, or put your photos on CANVA and edit them online.

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Frames: 7-12: Explore and discuss how pet keeping can introduce novelty in everyday habits such as going outside, make physical activities, being sensitive to mature, to smells...

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Frames: 1-3: Discuss how animals are affected by the pollution

Frames: 4-12: Explore how keeping an animal can contribute to create contact with others.


The first game associated with the comic delves into the habits and intriguing facts regarding pet ownership in Europe.

The second game provides a compilation of data on global pollution.


Community gardening is not only about flourishing plants; while caring about the plants you'll also uncover the stories of individuals united by a shared passion for nurturing life from seed to sprout. From the seasoned gardener with calloused hands to the curious newcomer, each character brings their unique perspective and unwavering dedication to cultivating a thriving urban oasis.

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Frames: 1-5: Learning how to heal, how to jump back on your feet, how to find a space, an activity where you can build trust and relationships with others after a traumatic experience ; how to start “anew”.

Questions to be asked:

  • What can bring people together?

  • How can solidarity help overcome a traumatic experience?

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Suggested activity:


After having explored this young lady's story identify collectively different places where you have an occasion to get in contact with member of the local community. 

You can also make a list through drawings of different activities and fields of interest that can bring people together regardless their origins.


The two games linked to the comic and the topic of gardening aims to improve knowledge in recognizing medical plants first, then to match fruits and vegetable with the seasons in which they grow in Europe.

You can combine the games with other activities such as making a research about the medicinal properties of showcased plants. You can also discuss why is it better to eat fruits and vegetables of the actual season

The second game prompts discussions on the benefits of consuming fruits and vegetable in their natural seasons, both for our health, both for the planet but also for local economy.

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